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Images of Research 2018 Gallery

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 Health & Wellbeing

<span class=heading><b>Battling the bugs</b> by Laura Dougall</span><br />This exotic collage of micro-organisms is just a sample of the bacteria that exist all around us. Many are harmless but others pose a serious health risk, and their extreme biodiversity can make these difficult to treat and eradicate.  At Strathclyde, we are developing new disinfection and sterilisation technologies and antimicrobial drug delivery methods, in order to improve infection prevention and control methods in the global battle against antibiotic resistance.<br /><span class=small>Image: © 2018 Laura Dougall</span>.  <span class=small>Collaborators: Dr Michelle Maclean, Student Supervisor </span>
<span class=heading><b>Light uncovers cancer cell biology</b> by Lisa Kölln</span><br />How can light be used to study cells in a label-free non-invasive manner? I am currently investigating how transmitted, reflected and emitted light from cells can be used to answer questions in cancer biology. Specifically, I am trying to unravel the mechanism of the dysfunctioning Hippo signalling pathway in Malignant Mesothelioma - a cancer that is caused by asbestos exposure. Further understanding could contribute in developing a successful treatment strategy.<br /><span class=small>Image: © 2018 Lisa Kölln</span>.  <span class=small>Collaborators: Prof Gail McConnell (supervisor) and Dr Carsten Gram Hansen (supervisor)</span>
<span class=heading><b>Mysteries of perception</b> by Brian Saltin</span><br />You are looking at an image of a midge’s antenna in false colour<strong>. </strong>The size of this tiny sample is less than 2mm, however scanning electron microscopy allows us to study its anatomy in detail. But why care about how a midge hears, beyond marvelling at the mysteries of perception? Understanding the biological principles of hearing in insects can lead to bio-inspired technological developments like miniaturisation of hearing aids.<br /><span class=small>Image: © 2018 Brian Saltin</span>
<span class=heading><b>Silver-lining experiments</b> by Jennifer Gracie</span><br />Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the primary cause of death worldwide, affecting almost everyone in some way. Early detection of CVD could greatly impact the lives of sufferers, and metals such as silver (shown here) and gold could provide the answer. By functionalising these metals with biological molecules they are able to target CVD biomarkers. We then use lasers to monitor their interaction with light, enabling a more efficient disease diagnosis. <br /><span class=small>Image: © 2018 Jennifer Gracie</span>.  <span class=small>Collaborators: Kirsty Milligan, Craig Ward</span>
<span class=heading><b>Strange Medicines</b> by Lucas Richert</span><br />A fine line separates a magic bullet from a dangerous drug. The line governs the consumption and control of pharmaceuticals and recreational drugs, and is determined by calculations in science, politics, and the medical marketplace. My research investigates the constantly evolving knowledge, myths, and meanings of drugs over time, and aims to enhance existing research on intoxicants, promote research collaborations, and devise alternative policy strategies.<br /><span class=small>Image: © 2018 Lucas Richert</span>.  <span class=small>Collaborators: Morgan Scott</span>
<span class=heading><b>Targeted treatments in combatting cancer</b> by Christine Dufes</span><br />Gene therapy is a promising cancer treatment though limited by a lack of carriers able to specifically deliver genes to tumours. We have developed a new “seek-and-destroy” nanomedicine that can lead to sustained regression and disappearance of up to 90% of tumours in laboratory settings. This image represents cancer (the crab) being surrounded and attacked by the nanomedicine (grey vesicles) and the genes (in green) entering the cancer cells (blue).<br /><span class=small>Image: © 2018 Christine Dufes</span>


<span class=heading><b>Answers from above</b> by Steven Owens</span><br />Wind turbines operate in remote, weather-challenging areas. This makes it hard, dangerous and costly for operators to perform maintenance, assess potential damage and ensure turbine data is correct. Using multi-spectral data from a satellite removes the need to visit the turbine, can provide up-to-date information weekly and provides valuable insights that may not otherwise be possible. Perfect for remote areas like Scotland.<br /><span class=small>Image: © 2018 Steven Owens</span>.  <span class=small>Collaborators: Alasdair Macleod, Offshore Renewable Energy Catapult</span>
<span class=heading><b>Augmenting the Way We Work</b> by Eleanor Smith</span><br />Maintenance is key to sustaining optimum performance, but equipment in remote places, such as wind turbines, makes inspection and repair a challenging task. At Strathclyde, we are exploring opportunities for Augmented Reality technology to make maintenance workers’ jobs faster and easier by projecting extra information over their view of the real world. Used in this way, even inexperienced workers could be guided step-by-step through complex maintenance tasks.<br /><span class=small>Image: © 2018 Eleanor Smith</span>
<span class=heading><b>Infinite innovation through simulation</b> by Rohaida Hussain</span><br />Wind turbine technology is advancing at a startling rate but with numerous variables to consider such as blade size, length and weight, how can researchers innovate so quickly? Computer simulation enables us to model and test thousands of ideas before selecting only the optimal designs for prototype building. This drastically reduces materials and logistics costs, and offers limitless opportunities to innovate.<br /><span class=small>Image: © 2018 Rohaida Hussain</span>
<span class=heading><b>Looking deep inside the earth</b> by Yannick Kremer</span><br />This abandoned Scottish coalmine provides scientists with a unique opportunity to study rocks that normally occur deep below the surface. Here researchers, from the University of Strathclyde and the British Geological Survey, are looking at faulted and fractured limestone and coal beds, to improve and safeguard future energy technologies such as Carbon Capture and Storage, and Geothermal energy.<br /><span class=small>Image: © 2018 Yannick Kremer</span>.  <span class=small>Collaborators: Zoe Shipton, Silvia Sosio de Rosa, Sarah Arkley</span>
<span class=heading><b>Nature-inspired to withstand nature</b> by Rohaida Hussain</span><br />Renewable technologies generate energy using natural forces; but they can also draw inspiration from the natural world. Aeroelastic Tailoring Blades (ATBs) are wind turbine blades designed to reflect the movement of leaves, making them more flexible than conventional blades, and less prone to stress-damage. Strathclyde is developing a model and controller for these next-generation blades, which will increase the lifespan of wind turbines, and significantly reduce costs for the industry.<br /><span class=small>Image: © 2018 Rohaida Hussain</span>
<span class=heading><b>Tailoring energy integration</b> by Maria Damaskou</span><br />Clean energy technologies are at the forefront of future energy provision but with constantly changing factors like weather, prices and policies, how can stakeholders determine the optimal technologies for a project with its own unique requirements? Our research is currently studying the integration of fuel cells with intermittent energy supply systems (wind, solar etc), with the ultimate goal of developing an algorithm to provide recommendations tailored to stakeholder’s needs.<br /><span class=small>Image: © 2018 Maria Damaskou</span>.  <span class=small>Collaborators: Doosan Babcock</span>

 Advanced Manufacturing and Materials

<span class=heading><b>’Shrooms save soils!</b> by Emmanuel Salifu</span><br />Soil erosion, landslides and floods impact millions globally, causing deaths, infrastructural damage and food shortage. Soil-binding chemical compounds used to mitigate these hazards further harm the environment. What if mushrooms could provide the solution?  By engineering the network structure, ‘cementing ability’ and moisture-regulating-function of the roots of this mushroom, we are improving its ability to bind soil particles together, and aiming to provide a low-cost, low-carbon alternative to chemical solutions.<br /><span class=small>Image: © 2018 Emmanuel Salifu</span>.  <span class=small>Collaborators: Grainne El Mountassir (Supervisor), Alessandro Tarantino (Co-ordinator), James Minto (Photography)</span>
<span class=heading><b>A vision of the future</b> by Alexandra Costa</span><br />Ozone gas has been used to clean water for centuries; however, this complex process can make water treatment expensive. My research has created a new material – a polymer membrane (pictured) – which aims to enhance ozone water treatment, making it more efficient and cost-effective, especially for countries with limited access to water. Resembling an eye, the membrane also represents my vision as a researcher: to make a difference.<br /><span class=small>Image: © 2018 Alexandra Costa</span>
<span class=heading><b>Embedding meaning</b> by Lewis Urquhart</span><br />How objects look and feel – their aesthetic design – conveys meaning to human beings. At Strathclyde, we are exploring the emotional impact of design, experimenting with a range of surface texturing designs to create distinct emotive meaning. By exploring the use of modern manufacturing techniques, like computer-numeric-controlled (CNC) machining and 3D printing, future consumers may benefit from more bespoke products and new avenues of aesthetic experience.<br /><span class=small>Image: © 2018 Lewis Urquhart</span>.  <span class=small>Collaborators: Nikoletta Trivyza - hand model</span>
<span class=heading><b>High-speed sand particles</b> by Alasdair Mackenzie</span><br />Certain processes, like separating minerals from rock during mining, cause unavoidable erosion to equipment. Frequently scrapping damaged equipment is costly and environmentally harmful. By better understanding the erosion process, we can better protect against it. This research analyses the behaviour of sand particles as they impact a surface, using a laser and high speed camera to capture images and data that can make computational erosion models more accurate.<br /><span class=small>Image: © 2018 Alasdair Mackenzie</span>
<span class=heading><b>Innovation in Craft-based Textile Manufacturing</b> by Chimaeze Onyeiwu</span><br />In a 220-year old mill, a craftsman handles cashmere yarn on a weaving loom. By transforming the way such century-old businesses manufacture products, we contribute to preserving their heritage for centuries more. Our research develops models for incorporating data-driven technological changes to the manufacture of craft-based textiles and explores novel approaches for capturing, digitising and thus preserving century-old expert craft knowledge, used in the manufacture of cashmere-based textile products.<br /><span class=small>Image: © 2018 Chimaeze Onyeiwu</span>.  <span class=small>Collaborators: Dr. Abigail Hird, Johnstons of Elgin (Image Owner)</span>
<span class=heading><b>Psychedelic recrystallisation of drugs</b> by Ecaterina Bordos</span><br />This image shows a stage in the recrystallisation of paracetamol as we attempt to devise the optimal operational window for a solvent-free manufacturing process to generate stable tablet-form medications. Strathclyde researchers are trying to understand how amorphous (non-organised state) pharmaceutical materials evolve and interact during the heating and cooling processes of manufacture. This will help to deliver medicines with enhanced performance, while reducing manufacturing costs and benefitting the environment.<br /><span class=small>Image: © 2018 Ecaterina Bordos</span>
<span class=heading><b>The Belly of the Beast</b> by Mark O'Hare</span><br />Developed specifically for the AFRC, the radial forge will allow manufacturers to try new alloys, and other materials in a range of applications. Featuring two pairs of hammers, it allows engineers to incrementally develop more complex shapes, improve materials, work at lower temperatures, and create parts that are nearer net shape.<br /><span class=small>Image: © 2018 Mark O'Hare</span>.  <span class=small>Collaborators: Kadir Paslioglu, Gerard Brown, Jianglin Huang, Thomas Hicks, Lynne OHare</span>

 Ocean, Air & Space

<span class=heading><b>Humans’ thirst for water</b> by Richard Pollock</span><br />One of the biggest issues facing our generation is the availability of fresh drinking water. Removing salts and minerals through desalination could be the answer but it is expensive and energy hungry at large scale. At Strathclyde, we are investigating the potential of capacitive deionisation – desalination using electrolysis – as this could greatly reduce the cost, bringing us a step closer to a viable solution.
 <br /><span class=small>Image: © 2018 Richard Pollock</span>.  <span class=small>Collaborators: Abigail Cumming</span>
<span class=heading><b>O Porpoise, where art thou?</b> by Mel Cosentino</span><br /> Harbour porpoises are small-toothed whales found exclusively in the northern hemisphere, and a resident species in the Firth of Clyde. They are shy and very difficult to observe at sea; however, we can ‘see’ them in a different way. My research is focused on improving the algorithms to detect these highly vocal mammals and classify the characteristic ultrasonic clicks that they produce to study their ecology and natural behaviour.<br /><span class=small>Image: © 2018 Mel Cosentino</span>.  <span class=small>Collaborators: The vessel belongs to the Clyde Porpoise CIC (David Nairn), who also funded the fieldwork and provides me with the data.</span>
<span class=heading><b>Tackling the Air Quality Crises</b> by Samuel Grainger</span><br />Scotland is facing an ongoing air quality crisis. Air pollution from cars and lorries are a major source of air pollution across Europe. Our research uses personal sampling equipment to monitor traffic related air quality impacts on human health. We experiment with these new and exciting monitoring techniques at several sites across Scotland including the world famous Forth Road Bridge.<br /><span class=small>Image: © 2018 Samuel Grainger</span>

 Society and Policy

<span class=heading><b>Animals and Us</b> by Iyan Offor</span><br />Compassion for animals is innately human; but cruelty and greed can be too. Today we are trading more animals and animal products internationally than ever before. However, the animal welfare standards imposed by law differ vastly between countries. This research explores how precedents in trade and environmental law could support the emergence of a new field of global animal law. This development could enhance animal welfare and facilitate ethical consumerism.<br /><span class=small>Image: © 2018 Iyan Offor</span>
<span class=heading><b>Building blocks of social innovation</b> by Donagh Horgan</span><br />Will our future built environments enable citizens to get a level up - facilitating inclusive growth and social mobility - or is it game over for creative citizen participation in planning our cities? Our research engaged a diverse group of stakeholders around the regeneration of Christchurch, New-Zealand following the earthquake in 2011. It asks can social innovation impact more democratic decision-making in planning the cities of the future.<br /><span class=small>Image: © 2018 Donagh Horgan</span>
<span class=heading><b>Environmental governance in ‘global Britain’</b> by Maria Ntona</span><br />The term ‘New World Order’ is widely associated with global governance, its origins lying in the formation of the League of Nations following the devastation of WWI. This scene in Edinburgh shortly after the EU referendum depicts the growing disillusionment surrounding cosmopolitan ideals. Strathclyde’sresearch on post-Brexit environmental governance is helping to realise the Scottish Government’s vision for continuing collaboration with the EU and other international actors on environmental matters.<br /><span class=small>Image: © 2018 Maria Ntona</span>
<span class=heading><b>How to reward farmers’ knowledge?</b> by Elisa Morgera</span><br />A plant reveals information leading to major discoveries for global food security. But it wouldn’t be in a lab if it weren’t for the knowledge of generations of farmers elsewhere in the world. At Strathclyde we are asking:can the law help to share benefits from global R&D chains back to farmers fairly? Can it reconcile different economic interests and mindsets into genuine partnerships between more and less powerful actors?<br /><span class=small>Image: © 2018 Elisa Morgera</span>.  <span class=small>Collaborators: The image was drawn by Margherita Brunori, BENELEX visiting scholar</span>
<span class=heading><b>Social Landscapes post BREXIT</b> by Mika Schroder</span><br />Just one of the benefits of Scotland being an EU member state is financial assistance that has supported projects for ‘smart, sustainable and inclusive’ development in an effort to create social, environmental, and territorial unity across the country. The Strathclyde Centre for Environmental Law & Governance is investigating the opportunities and implications of Brexit, exploring avenues for continued support of citizens in realising their social, economic and environmental rights.<br /><span class=small>Image: © 2018 Mika Schroder</span>
<span class=heading><b>Urban Qualities in African Cities</b> by Laura MacLean</span><br />This is a main route through Lusaka city centre. It illustrates that the physical qualities of an environment can affect how that space feels. Here the greenery masks the busy city life, creating a peaceful path. 
This research aims to investigate how the physical attributes of a city affect the quality of life for residents. This knowledge can be used by planners to determine areas for improvement in their cities.<br /><span class=small>Image: © 2018 Laura MacLean</span>
<span class=heading><b>Water and Technology for Development</b> by Amando Borge</span><br />Over 50% of community water supply points in Malawi have functionality issues according to data recorded through a University of Strathclyde research programme. We are using this data to ensure future installations can be improved to support the development and wellbeing of people in developing countries, such as Malawi.  <br /><span class=small>Image: © 2018 Amando Borge</span>.  <span class=small>Collaborators: Janice Norrie, Finlay Paterson, Bob Kalin, Amando Borge</span>

 Innovation and Entrepreneurship

<span class=heading><b>Best of both worlds </b> by Olayinka Olalere</span><br />The crystal structure of chemical compounds in medicines is key to how well the body absorbs them and therefore how effective they are. At Strathclyde, we are studying the formation of co-crystals (pictured) – combining different compounds into a single crystal structure – with the aim of making medicines more effective. This could result in tablets with enhanced absorption and therefore greater therapeutic effect, as well as reducing manufacturing costs.<br /><span class=small>Image: © 2018 Olayinka Olalere</span>
<span class=heading><b>Demystifying design ideation</b> by Christopher McTeague</span><br />Every product design is a combination of a designer’s experience, product knowledge and new ideas, but we know little about how this all comes together in the mind. If we can understand how designers combine ideas, we can make them more creative and create innovative design support tools. At Strathclyde, through integration of psychology and design research, we’re unlocking the secrets of both the mind, and the act of design.<br /><span class=small>Image: © 2018 Christopher McTeague</span>.  <span class=small>Collaborators: Background sketches: Euan Macer Law</span>
<span class=heading><b>Giving Voice to the Voiceless</b> by Christine Habib</span><br />Stories are read and heard; they reflect experiences, and can reveal truths. My research gathers narratives of women working in informal settlements near Cairo, to understand how entrepreneurship is not only creating new products and services, but is facilitating a more empowered and liberated individual and collective existence for marginalised females, their families and the communities as a whole.<br /><span class=small>Image: © 2018 Christine Habib</span>

 Measurement Science and Enabling Technologies

<span class=heading><b>Detecting ground anomalies  </b> by Cedric Sachet</span><br />Coastal masonry structures like seawalls are vital in protecting our vulnerable shorelines, but how can we best protect the structures themselves? Development planning and practice recognises the risks that arise when coastal structures are damaged, and efforts are constantly being made to improve methods of detecting problems. Strathclyde is working to improve non-invasive techniques such as Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR), which can identify hidden damage without further compromising the structure.<br /><span class=small>Image: © 2018 Cedric Sachet</span>.  <span class=small>Collaborators: Philippe Sentenac</span>
<span class=heading><b>Engineering greenwares for sustainability</b> by Christopher Ibeh</span><br />This colourful image – created by X-Ray Computed Tomography – shows the particle alignment within a piece of crockery. Strathclyde’s researchers are studying earth materials (soils, especially clays) with the aim of developing solutions to multiple problems; from improving the strength of earthenware products (reducing energy, resource and time wastage) to preventing natural disasters such as landslides.<br /><span class=small>Image: © 2018 Christopher Ibeh</span>.  <span class=small>Collaborators: Matteo Pedrotti (My Supervisors Prof. Rebecca  Lunn and Prof. Alessandro Tarantino)</span>
<span class=heading><b>In case of emergency - innovate!</b> by Jen Roberts</span><br />Field research often requires a bit of creative thinking. To measure natural CO2 leakage from rocks on this riverbed in Victoria (Australia), we niftily adapted our equipment to obtain the best results. Our research is developing methodologies to measure CO2 leakage, enabling precise monitoring of carbon capture and storage (an important technology to tackle climate change), which can provide reassurance for regulators and communities, and help to shape international policy.<br /><span class=small>Image: © 2018 Jen Roberts</span>.  <span class=small>Collaborators: Dr Linda Stalker, Dr Matt Myers and Cameron White (CSIRO)</span>
<span class=heading><b>Keeping equipment cosy</b> by Jan Schniete</span><br />Research involves many unique challenges, and often calls for creative solutions, as this image demonstrates! Keeping subjects in focus during long imaging sessions is essential in microscopy, however something as simple as fluctuating temperatures in a laboratory can cause out of focus drift, by making the microscope support structure expand and contract. Our solution? Wrapping the entire structure in thermal blankets during an overnight imaging period.<br /><span class=small>Image: © 2018 Jan Schniete</span>.  <span class=small>Collaborators: Lee McCann (imaging technician who did the wrapping)</span>
<span class=heading><b>To the Heart of Tablets</b> by Eleonora Paladino</span><br />The picture shows a tablet – a common pain-reliever – sitting inside a vacuum chamber during analysis of its molecular composition by Mass Spectrometry Imaging (MSI). At Strathclyde, we are advancing methods to analyse the composition and properties of pharmaceutical products with the aim of improving their production and performance. Optimised medicines can create tangible benefits for patients, such as minimising side-effects and reducing the cost of production.<br /><span class=small>Image: © 2018 Eleonora Paladino</span>