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Images of Research 2015 Gallery

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<span class=heading><b>A light in the dark</b> by Damien Frame</span><br />Rural schools in Malawi face many challenges, including a lack of electricity that limits time for studying and teachers’ ability to prepare lessons.The University of Strathclyde has been working with partners in Malawi since 2008 to develop sustainable models for community renewable energy deployments. Where solar energy systems now supply electricity, educational outcomes are improving and school energy committees are generating revenue to support the sustainability of their systems.<br /><span class=small>Image: © 2015 Damien Frame</span>.  <span class=small>Collaborators: Peter Dauenhauer</span>
<span class=heading><b>Carrying Smart Grid Innovation Forward</b> by Ibrahim Abdulhadi</span><br />How do you push the boundaries of smart grid research? The team
at the Power Networks Demonstration Centre (PNDC) bridges the
gap between academia and industry to develop and evaluate a
range of innovative smart grid technologies. These innovations
ensure the reliable, secure and cost effective supply of electricity.<br /><span class=small>Image: © 2015 Ibrahim Abdulhadi</span>.  <span class=small>Collaborators: The PNDC team</span>
<span class=heading><b>Energizing Education in Malawi</b> by Peter Dauenhauer</span><br />The N’dakwera primary school is one of the twenty-four primary
schools provided with solar power under the Malawi Renewable
Energy Programme. As headmaster, Eustace Namabowa has stated
that, for the first time, the school now benefits from clean and
sustainable lighting. Electric lighting makes night classes possible
for the students, allowing for more studying and improved chances
to reach better secondary schools.
 <br /><span class=small>Image: © 2015 Peter Dauenhauer</span>
<span class=heading><b>Energy and the Aging Population</b> by Stuart Galloway</span><br />
The elderly are faced with a broad range of challenges that impact on energy use and technology acceptance. The marketplace relieson digital or online solutions, but this is not always what is needed.
The image shows a conceptualisation derived from a qualitative
design exercise with elderly focus groups to give energy advice,
visual feedback and a simple interface. Understanding people’s real
needs and requirements often reveals something unexpected.

<br /><span class=small>Image: © 2015 Stuart Galloway</span>.  <span class=small>Collaborators: Craig Lynn  - Design Director filamentpd</span>
<div><div style="float:left;padding-left:5px;width:70%"><span class=heading><b>Fully Harnessing Renewable Energy</b> by Declan Bryans</span><br />Wind turbines generate power, not when the consumer needs it but when there is wind.
This excess power, when fed into the grid, can cause destabilisation. This excess can
be stored in large-scale batteries. These batteries can also act as a back up generator,
ready to supply the electricity back into the grid when demand is high. For remote
communities, this system enables access to zero-carbon emission electricity.
 <br /><span class=small>Image: © 2015 Declan Bryans</span></div><div style="float:right;padding-right:5px;"><iframe width="280" height="170" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe></div></div>
<span class=heading><b>Keeping the lights on</b> by Waqquas Bukhsh</span><br />What would we do if the lights went out? When we increase the reliability of our electricity supply, based on current industry standards, we increase the cost to the consumer. This research introduces a new approach, using risk management to better balance system reliability and costs. As a result, the use of renewable resources increases, reliability improves and costs arereduced, benefitting both the consumer and the environment.<br /><span class=small>Image: © 2015 Waqquas Bukhsh</span>
<span class=heading><b>Lighting up the World</b> by Jochen Bruckbauer</span><br />Incandescent light bulbs are very inefficient in transforming energy into light. About 20% of the world’s
total electricty consumption is used for lighting, making it necessary to develop new and more efficient
light sources. One solution is LEDs. The images show the luminescence from an LED excited by an
electron beam. This information allows us to understand the properties of LEDs and occuring defects in
order to improve the devices.<br /><span class=small>Image: © 2015 Jochen Bruckbauer</span>.  <span class=small>Collaborators: Robert W. Martin (Strathclyde, provided electron microscope); Rachel Oliver, Menno Kappers, Colin Humphreys (University of Cambridge, manufactured and provided LED sample)</span>
<span class=heading><b>Sustinable LVDC power systems</b> by Abdullah Emhemed</span><br />More than a billion people in developing countries experience
regular power outages, denying them access to light and heat. Lowvoltage
DC technology could enable them to generate their own
electricity from renewable sources, providing a safer, more reliable
alternative to traditional fuels or AC power grids. LVDC could also
benefit consumers in developed regions by powering their loads
without DC-AC conversion, thereby avoiding the costs associated
with the conversion process.<br /><span class=small>Image: © 2015 Abdullah Emhemed</span>.  <span class=small>Collaborators: Miss Mosawra Emhemed</span>
<div><div style="float:left;padding-left:5px;width:70%"><span class=heading><b>Tasty Membranes</b> by Ana Sousa</span><br />The pharmaceutical and chemical industries and the energy sector
rely on quick, clean and selective transport of useful chemicals
through a reusable membrane. Exploiting the nature of chemicals
found in tasty ingredients such as chocolate, tea and wine is
the basis of my research. I sprinkle ‘hundreds-and-thousands’
of molecules on the surface of these tasty membranes in order
selectively to reject enzymes or transport compounds.<br /><span class=small>Image: © 2015 Ana Sousa</span>.  <span class=small>Collaborators: Miguel Franco; K. H. Aaron Lau</span></div><div style="float:right;padding-right:5px;"><iframe width="280" height="170" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe></div></div>
<span class=heading><b>White Space Internet in Kenya</b> by David Crawford</span><br />The University of Strathclyde is working with Microsoft and the Kenyan Government to bring high-speed internet connectivity to schools and clinics in remote villages, enabling improvements in agriculture, education, and healthcare. The project uses ’white space’ radio technology (transmitting in unused TV channels), and the team has so far delivered internet access to five communities in Northern Kenya.<br /><span class=small>Image: © 2015 David Crawford</span>


<div><div style="float:left;padding-left:5px;width:70%"><span class=heading><b>A Platform for the Future</b> by Ellis Robb</span><br />Platform chemicals are required to make a whole host of everyday
objects. Current production uses oil which will eventually no longer
be an option. However microorganisms can produce these chemicals
sustainably providing an alternative to oil. Research being carried out
at the University of Strathclyde, in partnership with Ingenza Ltd and
IBioIC, aims to improve our understanding of this process, transferring
this from the laboratory to industry.<br /><span class=small>Image: © 2015 Ellis Robb</span>.  <span class=small>Collaborators: Scott Parker, Brian Griffin, Joana Faustino, Laura Jeffrey</span></div><div style="float:right;padding-right:5px;"><iframe width="280" height="170" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe></div></div>
<span class=heading><b>Aerospace Composites</b> by Andrew Hamilton</span><br />Carbon fibre is a low weight but strong material that is used in
aircrafts for support structures, such as wings. However, it is
expensive to use as it requires autoclaves to manufacture. Our
research has been focussed on a new manufacturing process that
creates similar carbon fibre structures but uses 60% less energy by
using smart heating surfaces.<br /><span class=small>Image: © 2015 Andrew Hamilton</span>.  <span class=small>Collaborators: Dr Christos Tachtatzis, University of Strathclyde</span>
<span class=heading><b>Building Architecture Beyond Earth</b> by Scott Porter</span><br />What will we build on the Moon and Mars? Using the resources found there, in collaboration with new and innovative building techniques such as 3D printing, will allow structures to be built before astronauts arrive. Through 3D modelling and simulation in reduced gravity, concept structures can be analysed which would not be possible on Earth due to the stronger gravity,leading to new architecture.<br /><span class=small>Image: © 2015 Scott Porter</span>
<div><div style="float:left;padding-left:5px;width:70%"><span class=heading><b>From contested to common grounds</b> by Aisha Abubakar</span><br />Adam looks on proudly at his home/blacksmith-workshop at a city-centre
slum in Abuja. He is among a continuously growing population residing
in different slum types within cities of the global south. Interestingly,
both city system and slum have the same comparative focus: prosperity.
Identifying and analysing relative features, in slums, that either impede
or enhance prosperity is imperative, as motive and design guide, for
better targeted integrative slum management programs.<br /><span class=small>Image: © 2015 Aisha Abubakar</span>.  <span class=small>Collaborators: Dr Ombretta Romice; Dr Ashraf salama</span></div><div style="float:right;padding-right:5px;"><iframe width="280" height="170" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe></div></div>
<span class=heading><b>Sustainable Space</b> by Jeannette Heiligers</span><br />Space is getting more and more crowded. Orbital debris such as dead satellites, and spent rockets pose a severe threat to active satellites; and to people and infrastructure on the ground. We are developing new technologies to make space greener and cleaner. By passively tracking orbital debris using existing space infrastructure we will decrease collision risks, allowing a more sustainable use of our near-space environment.<br /><span class=small>Image: © 2015 Jeannette Heiligers  
Composite image of the moon © NASA 2010; ‘The Blue Marble’ © NASA 2002</span>.  <span class=small>Collaborators: Dr Malcolm Macdonald, Mr. Steve Lee </span>
<span class=heading><b>The Social Importance of Nature</b> by Karen Munro</span><br />A group gathers on a roof to watch a sunset. Arcosanti, a town in
the Arizona desert, is an example of an alternative method of urban
design. This research explores how a view of a natural landscape
affects how people use social spaces. Promoting density of
population and resources while reconnecting urban dwellers with
the natural environment - a connection which is vital to understand
and implement as world urban population continues to rise.<br /><span class=small>Image: © 2015 Karen Munro</span>.  <span class=small>Collaborators: Jeff Stein</span>
<span class=heading><b>What makes a city ’mega?’</b> by Orla Rooney</span><br />In this visualisation you can explore the mega cities of the world. A ‘megacity’ is a metropolitan area with a total
population in excess of ten million people. This data visualisation is a taster for what to expect from the Institute for
Future Cities’ new City Observatory. Designed to demonstrate, develop and explore innovative approaches for future
sustainable cities, sustainable city planning and implementation is one of the Institute’s core research themes.<br /><span class=small>Image: © 2015 Orla Rooney</span>.  <span class=small>Collaborators: LUSTlab Graphic Design</span>

 Public and Urban Health

<div><div style="float:left;padding-left:5px;width:70%"><span class=heading><b>’The picture of health’</b> by Orla Rooney</span><br />In this atlas, we can overlay layers of data about Glasgow city to
reveal and identify key trends to visualise new health discoveries.
This visualisation concept is a taster of the Institute for Future Cities’
new City Observatory. With Public & Urban Health at the forefront of
its research, the City Observatory will use Glasgow and other cities
as ‘living labs’ to help improve the lives of people in cities across
the world.<br /><span class=small>Image: © 2015 Orla Rooney</span>.  <span class=small>Collaborators: LUSTlab Graphic Design</span></div><div style="float:right;padding-right:5px;"><iframe width="280" height="170" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe></div></div>
<div><div style="float:left;padding-left:5px;width:70%"><span class=heading><b>Beauty in Decay</b> by Stephanie Anderson</span><br />Urban explorers discover, explore and photographically preserve derelict
and decaying places in the built environment, such as abandoned
asylums and subterranean sewers. Research at the University of
Strathclyde examines alternative uses of urban decay in our future cities.
This research aids our understanding of urban subcultures and how
society preserves the industrial relics of the present.<br /><span class=small>Image: © 2015 Stephanie Anderson</span></div><div style="float:right;padding-right:5px;"><iframe width="280" height="170" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe></div></div>
<span class=heading><b>Hope for Hope Street</b> by Eliani Ezani</span><br />Hope Street in Glasgow City Centre is one of the most polluted
streets in Scotland. The steep gradient; the stop-starting on
Glasgow’s grid-like streets and the subsequent traffic concentration
leads to increased NO2; particulate emissions from vehicle
exhausts. This research will look at the effects of exposure to
particulate pollution from urban traffic on human health. Let’s bring
hope to Hope Street and make Glasgow’s air fit to breathe.<br /><span class=small>Image: © 2015 Eliani Ezani</span>
<div><div style="float:left;padding-left:5px;width:70%"><span class=heading><b>Infection Detection</b> by Andrew Ward</span><br />The bacteria shown here are locked in a battle for survival. The large
green colony is inhibiting the growth of the smaller white colonies.
Bacteria are becoming increasingly resistant to antibiotics, with no
new drugs available to combat the problem. To make the antibiotics
last longer, misdiagnosis of infection must be reduced. We are
developing sensors to detect bacterial infections, which will also
enable doctors to take action sooner.
<br /><span class=small>Image: © 2015 Andrew Ward</span></div><div style="float:right;padding-right:5px;"><iframe width="280" height="170" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe></div></div>
<span class=heading><b>Particles with Protective Properties</b> by Rachel Donaghey</span><br />This is an image of drug-delivering particles which can only be visualised
through the use of a powerful microscope. These small particles have been
developed to trap toxic drugs which will protect patients from immediate and
widespread damage. Adverse drug reactions, such as those associated with
chemotherapeutics, are often debilitating and may even be fatal, however,
particle-based medicines could provide a safe alternative.<br /><span class=small>Image: © 2015 Rachel Donaghey</span>
<span class=heading><b>Play On</b> by Lio Moscardini</span><br />Play On is a project run in collaboration with Paragon
Music in the University of Strathclyde. It aims to provide
instrumental music lessons on Saturdays for children who
would otherwise not receive tuition. It grew out of a research
study led by Dr Lio Moscardini at the University of Strathclyde
which found that children with significant additional support
needs were highly unlikely to receive instrumental music
lessons in primary school.<br /><span class=small>Image: © 2015 Lio Moscardini</span>.  <span class=small>Collaborators: Ninian Perry, Charlotte Riley of Paragon Music, Alastair Wilson HASS</span>
<div><div style="float:left;padding-left:5px;width:70%"><span class=heading><b>Princesses All Grown-up </b> by Ashleigh Logan</span><br />Kate Middleton embodies the idea of the so-called Princess Culture, which
has drawn criticism for its impact on women’s aspirations, body image
and behaviour. This research found that the ‘Celebrity Princess Brand’ can
actually positively impact the lives of adult women, and even help them
cope with difficult situations, if they can separate the fantasy and magic of
the ‘Princess Myth’ from their own reality and sense of self.<br /><span class=small>Image: © 2015 Ashleigh Logan</span></div><div style="float:right;padding-right:5px;"><iframe width="280" height="170" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe></div></div>
<span class=heading><b>Protecting the next generation</b> by Kirsty Ross</span><br />How do we protect future generations from the pain, joint destruction and premature death due to rheumatoid arthritis? In this image, my daughter Isla and I hold an X-ray of my father’s arthritic hands. I want to understand when, where, how and why arthritis is triggered. This research will hopefully enable the development of new treatments to cure or even prevent the disease starting in the first place!<br /><span class=small>Image: © 2015 Kirsty Ross</span>.  <span class=small>Collaborators: Dr Catherine Lawrence, Professor Iain McInnes, Isla Hutchison, Steven Hutchison</span>
<span class=heading><b>SuperAbility</b> by Stefania Sansoni</span><br />Aesthetics of Prosthetic devices is an important issue affecting the acceptance of prosthetic users. Our work, based at the University of
Strathclyde, aims to develop attractive robotic prostheses to boost the positive self body image of users. The final aim is to explore a lowcost
manufacturing process for prostheses that can make users happier and “super-able” when wearing their artifical limbs.<br /><span class=small>Image: © 2015 Stefania Sansoni</span>.  <span class=small>Collaborators: N/A</span>
<span class=heading><b>SURFACE INVADERS</b> by Rumelo Amor</span><br />A quick diagnosis can be crucial when dealing with malaria and
other diseases associated with red blood cells. This research
has the potential greatly to improve the process of diagnosis,
by introducing a new high-resolution technique for imaging cell
membranes. The method produces precise contour maps of the cell
surface, which can reveal 3D structures such as protrusions, and
other potential indicators of parasite invasion.<br /><span class=small>Image: © 2015 Rumelo Amor</span>.  <span class=small>Collaborators: Sumeet Mahajan (University of Southampton, prepared model specimen), Gail McConnell (supervisor), William Bradshaw Amos FRS (co-supervisor)</span>
<span class=heading><b>Talkin’ ’bout Regeneration </b> by Amy Goode</span><br />Raploch, Stirling gained status as being one of Scotland’s most
troubled estates with its depiction in BBC’s ‘Raploch Stories’
(2002). Since then it has undergone radical regeneration with
the introduction of new homes, schools and a community hub.
This ethnographic study looks at how community and everyday
practices have been transformed. The focus is on the production
and consumption of space and how this has changed through
gentrification of the area.<br /><span class=small>Image: © 2015 Amy Goode</span>.  <span class=small>Collaborators: Paul Hewer and Kathy Hamilton</span>
<div><div style="float:left;padding-left:5px;width:70%"><span class=heading><b>Together, it all makes stents</b> by Sean McGinty</span><br />How many mathematicians does it take to save a life? Sounds like the
start of a bad joke, but maths and engineering research is crucial in
the development of life-saving medical devices. Our team is helping
to develop improved drug-releasing stents which are used to treat
patients with blocked arteries. In the future, maths, engineering and
clinical interventions will go hand-in-hand, with life-saving decisions
being informed by computational mathematical models.

<br /><span class=small>Image: © 2015 Sean McGinty</span>.  <span class=small>Collaborators: Keith Oldroyd (Cardiologist in the picture and  part of the research team), Craig McKittrick ( took photographs and part of research team), Sean McKee, Christopher McCormick, Marcus Wheel, Simon Kennedy (all part of research team) </span></div><div style="float:right;padding-right:5px;"><iframe width="280" height="170" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe></div></div>
<span class=heading><b>Together.. can fight infection</b> by Taghreed Jawa</span><br /><strong>Healthcare research aims to advance knowledge of a medical</strong>
<strong>condition in order to improve patient care. Methicillin-resistant</strong>
<strong>staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) is a bacterium that colonises on the</strong>
<strong>skin of 30% of healthy people. MRSA can cause serious infection</strong>
<strong>because it is resistant to some antibiotics. Statisticians play an</strong>
<strong>important role in controlling healthcare infections. This research is</strong>
<strong>developing statistical models which should help reduce the risk of</strong>
<strong>infection to patients.</strong><br /><span class=small>Image: © 2015 Taghreed Jawa</span>
<span class=heading><b>Understanding community health priorities</b> by Sarah Rippon</span><br />A female leader in Jimuloja village, Chikwawa district, Malawi, highlights her
disatisfaction (ranking 1) using the Schutte scale. Understanding people’s
priorities and levels of social capital using various qualitative and quantitative
research methods will enable Scotland Chikwawa Health Initiative to maximise
the impact of the Healthy Settings project. If successful, the holistic community
health project will be replicated throughout the country.<br /><span class=small>Image: © 2015 Sarah Rippon</span>
<span class=heading><b>Where’s Want?</b> by Stephanie Beechey</span><br />Can you find the four shadows of relative poverty in Buchanan
Street: shame, loneliness, alienation and low self-esteem? They’re
not easy to spot: the hyperconsumption within the consuming
city belies the high levels of deprivation that exist in Glasgow. Not
only does the city’s consumerist mode of economic development
exacerbate deprivation, those who cannot participate are excluded
from consumer culture. What effect does this have on those who
have less?<br /><span class=small>Image: © 2015 Stephanie Beechey</span>


<span class=heading><b>An ever more connected world</b> by Ruaridh Clark</span><br />Taking inspiration from swarms in nature, such as schools of fish, this research focuses on rapid response
and consensus in complex systems. The ability to identify influential hubs, and focus resources to these,
points could be key for future cities trying to meet growing data and power requirements. Cities are
becoming an increasingly networked environment and this work could enable them to cater for demand
rapidly, efficiently and sustainably.<br /><span class=small>Image: © 2015 Ruaridh Clark</span>
<span class=heading><b>Challenging Science</b> by Olivia Kemp</span><br />Finding new techniques to give an understanding of what happens
at a cellular level can be complex. Atomic Force Microscopy
can produce images by probing the cell surface which can give
information relating to the health of the cell. This area of science is
challenging and it is hoped the unanswered questions in cellular
mechanics will open up and no longer be confined.<br /><span class=small>Image: © 2015 Olivia Kemp</span>
<span class=heading><b>Crystallographic Stargate</b> by Stefano Vespucci</span><br />

When electrons interact with materials, beautiful patterns may be
produced. Our image is an artistic view of a pattern produced from
a silicon crystal when electrons reflected from the surface and the
bulk of the crystal interact. Such patterns allow the separation of
the atoms of the crystal to be determined. These measurements are
vital for understanding the properties of new synthesised materials
ranging from metal alloys to semiconductors.<br /><span class=small>Image: © 2015 Stefano Vespucci</span>
<span class=heading><b>Fringe benefits for disease research</b> by Gail McConnell</span><br />This is an image of thin fluorescent bands or ‘fringes’ on a glass surface
taken by a new type of optical microscope. This technology can be applied
to map contours on the surface of cells and reveal new information about
how parasites such as malaria infect people. It is important that we develop
microscopy technologies to better understand disease and to develop
efficient treatments.<br /><span class=small>Image: © 2015 Gail McConnell</span>.  <span class=small>Collaborators: Rumelo Amor, Brad Amos</span>
<span class=heading><b>Green light for electrons!</b> by Cristian Ciocarlan</span><br />Lasers play an integral role in our world today, and with constant progress
in the field it’s an exciting time for research. Particle acceleration - where
charged particles are contained in a well-defined beam and accelerated
towards a target - has a wide variety of applications from electronics to
oncology. Our research focuses on producing high quality particle bunches,
which could help make accelerators more compact, more affordable and
more effective.<br /><span class=small>Image: © 2015 Cristian Ciocarlan</span>.  <span class=small>Collaborators: Simona Ciocarlan - the photograph magician.</span>
<span class=heading><b>Levitation for Inhalation Medication</b> by Rebecca Halliwell</span><br />Levitating a single droplet of the particles used in inhalation drugs
(e.g. asthma treatments) allows researchers to study and influence
important properties such as size, shape, efficiency and solubility.
Enhancing these properties could improve drug manufacturing,
benefitting the pharmaceutical industry by reducing production
costs and increasing sustainability. The improvements could
also benefit patients by increasing the potency of drugs, thereby
improving performance and potentially reducing dosage frequency.<br /><span class=small>Image: © 2015 Rebecca Halliwell</span>.  <span class=small>Collaborators: Matthew Clavey (Thermal Vision Research Ltd, - Provided demo of camera to collect thermal video of droplet, Naomi Briggs who coordinated the demo of the thermal camera and Janine Capaldi who constructed the image from video</span>
<span class=heading><b>Manufacturing new custom cranial implants</b> by Mohammad Salamati</span><br />Manufacturing tailored implants for patients is expensive and time consuming. Incremental Sheet Forming (ISF) is a fast and convenient way to shape titanium sheet to be used to repair head injuries and in reconstruction surgery. A collaboration between a local manufacturer (Pascoe Engineering Ltd), the AFRC and the Southern General Hospital has developed a manufacturing process to shape a flat titanium sheet accurately into a replacement cranial implant.<br /><span class=small>Image: © 2015 Mohammad Salamati</span>.  <span class=small>Collaborators: Pascoe Engineering, Southern General Hospital</span>
<span class=heading><b>Merging new-technology with museum stories</b> by Loraine Clarke</span><br />Have you ever run up to an interactive museum exhibit with
high hopes of an interesting fun experience and walked away
disappointed and confused? Strathclyde researchers and Fab
Lab are helping museums avoid this by using modern, and now
increasingly accessible, technologies such as 3D printing and
laser cutting (quicker and cheaper than traditional production
techniques) to create prototypes for testing with visitors, before an
exhibit is commissioned and built.<br /><span class=small>Image: © 2015 Loraine Clarke</span>.  <span class=small>Collaborators: Digital and New Media Dept. at Glasgow Museums</span>
<span class=heading><b>Never too old to text</b> by Mark Dunlop</span><br />As part of a two year EPSRC funded research grant, we are investigating
mobile text entry for older adults. Text entry is still a key part of mobile
interaction, but some effects of ageing can make it more difficult to
use. Our research involves prototype development and testing with
groups of superbly supportive older adults. The first design of this app
is being released on app stores soon.<br /><span class=small>Image: © 2015 Mark Dunlop</span>.  <span class=small>Collaborators: Emma Nicol and Andreas Komninos (both CIS)</span>
<div><div style="float:left;padding-left:5px;width:70%"><span class=heading><b>TARGET, INVESTIGATE AND HEAL</b> by Carlota Cunha Matos</span><br />
The picture shows nanoparticles being delivered to single trapped
cells. Nanomaterials are becoming very popular for therapeutic
applications, but new tools are needed to look at the interaction
of nanomaterials with cells prior to their clinical use. Here, very
small (microfluidic) structures are used to trap and monitor cells
individually while they are exposed to nanoparticles, allowing for
new nano-based drugs or vaccines to be tested more efficiently.
<br /><span class=small>Image: © 2015 Carlota Cunha Matos</span>.  <span class=small>Collaborators: A.W. Wark, O.R. Millington, M. Zagnoni, L. Cunha Matos</span></div><div style="float:right;padding-right:5px;"><iframe width="280" height="170" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe></div></div>